
NTG-asyl & integration bevakar huvudsakligen program inom den Europeiska socialfonden, det vill säga Equal och Växtkraft Mål 3, samt den Europeiska flykting- och integrationsfonden. Mer om dessa samt andra program relevanta för migrations- och asylområdet återfinns i vänsterspalten.

I NTG-asyl & integrations projektdatabas återfinns enskilda projekt inom de respektive programmen.

Notiser Program


Stärk möjligheterna till arbete för invandrarungdom! OECD-projekt för forskare och praktiker om arbete för invandrarungdom



7 – 20 July 2010
Call for experts

Strategic approaches to improving employment outcomes for ethnic minority youth

Submission deadline: 20 July 2010

18 - 20 October 2010 Trento - Italy
Capacity building seminar
Universities, skills and entrepreneurship

Registration deadline: 1 September 2010
7 – 20 July 2010
Call for experts: Strategic approaches to improving employment outcomes for ethnic minority youth

Submission deadline: 20 July 2010
The “Fulfilling promise” LEED project is analysing strategic approaches to improving employment outcomes for ethnic minority and immigrant youth. OECD LEED will be holding a seminar on this topic in collaboration with the European Commission and the OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance on October 22nd 2010 in Paris. The seminar will be used to develop a manual to provide policy advice to local practitioners.

In order to feed into this process, OECD LEED is seeking experts in the field to contribute local case studies. Each case study should focus on a locality which has experienced labour market exclusion amongst ethnic minority youth and established a locally based approach to tackling this problem. Case studies should be approximately 3,000 words and should be completed by the end of September 2010. The fee for the research will be 2,500 euro. The deadline for applications is 20th July 2010.


18 - 20 October 2010 Trento - Italy
Capacity building seminar: Universities, skills and entrepreneurship
Registration deadline: 1 September 2010

To apply please complete the short online questionnaire by 1 September 2010

Universities are unique places from which great ideas can emerge. Gathering people from various disciplines with different approaches and perceptions of risk makes universities an environment conducive to nascent entrepreneurship. More and more universities across OECD member and non-member countries respond to this opportunity in an active way: they offer courses in entrepreneurship and support future entrepreneurs in accessing finance and premises. Governments play an important role by providing seed funding and a legal framework that sets the right incentives for universities to promote entrepreneurship. But, local partnerships between universities and other higher education institutions, business development organisations and local governments that bring together different efforts and resources, are critical to developing and sustaining new firms.

Having the right mix of attitudes, motivation, knowledge and skills is crucial for starting-up, running and growing a business. There is a debate on whether or not entrepreneurship can be taught, what training should be provided, how and by whom. Some universities rely on a more traditional approach in which their business schools are the main actors in developing skills for entrepreneurship, whereas others engage on a broader level by integrating entrepreneurship skills into curricula, using new teaching methods and involving entrepreneurs as teachers. International evidence confirms the capacity of ‘entrepreneurial education’ to improve learning outcomes and to develop entrepreneurial mindsets.

Much can be learned from an international exchange of information about the rationales behind university entrepreneurship support and local partnerships between universities, business development organisations and governments to foster entrepreneurship. This seminar will explore strengths and weaknesses of different approaches, and discuss what constitutes good practice in local entrepreneurship support.


The 2.5-day programme will be structured around a mix of case study presentations by invited experts, OECD analysts and participants and creative group activities. Guided by an OECD criteria list of good practice in local entrepreneurship support, participants are expected to work on individual action plans that will help their organisations to contribute to and benefit from partnership working in entrepreneurship support. An OPENSPACE session will offer participants opportunities to engage in depth-interviews with people who design and implement good practices.

Monday, 18 October 2010
 1. Promoting innovators, risk-takers and job creators: the role of universities
This session is dedicated to the role of universities in local economic development and university entrepreneurship support. Presentations of findings from cross-country comparative OECD work by IMHE and LEED, and creative group activities will provide participants with tools to identify the hidden entrepreneurial potential of a local economy and to develop strategic approaches to unleash it.

Participants will start working on individual action plans. Work on this will continue in sessions 3 and 4.
Participants will meet with peers in charge of entrepreneurship education and start-up support and engage in short in-depth discussions around success factors, problems and transferability.

Up to four rounds of meetings in small groups will be organised.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
 All day
 3. The learning journey: from thinking to acting entrepreneurial

In this all-day session the aim is to reveal some of the key links between entrepreneurial success, attitudes, motivation, knowledge, skills and experience. The focus will be on university entrepreneurship education.

We will enter the well-known debate on whether or not entrepreneurship can be learned, and discuss what are skills for entrepreneurship that can be trained, what are successful teaching methods, how to recruit students, the importance of teambuilding and how to get good teachers, also from outside universities.

In several creative group activities, throughout the day, participants will analyse various case studies with the help of an OECD criteria list on good practice in university entrepreneurship support. Work on individual action plans, commenced in session 1, will continue with a focus on entrepreneurship education.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
 4. Turning skills into success: the role of partnerships in start-up and growth support

Effective start-up support is all about making support systems accessible and attractive for young entrepreneurs, and about rectifying market and system failures in financing and premises to facilitate business survival and growth. This requires a common strategic framework that allows local actors to join efforts in making best use of available resources. In this concluding session, participants will finalise their individual action plans by adding the start-up and growth support dimension.

The seminar is addressed to:

· University management, professors and researchers, who are actively involved in teaching entrepreneurship and in mentoring start-ups, as well as university staff responsible for start-up support.

· National, regional and local government representatives, who are already involved, or interested in, the strategic development and financing of local entrepreneurship support, with a focus on universities.

· Representatives of local business support organisations that are mainly dealing with university spin-offs, and already engaged, or interested in, developing a partnership with universities.


Applications are welcome from OECD member and non-member countries.

There are no participation fees, but participants are expected to cover their own costs.

The working language of the seminar will be English.

To apply, please complete the short online questionnaire by 1 September 2010

By 8 September 2010, 25 participants will be selected on the basis of their questionnaire.

For further information on the seminar, please contact Elisa Campestrin at


Elisa Campestrin

OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance at

OECD LEED Trento Centre for Local Development

Vicolo San Marco

38122 Trento-Italy

direct line: +39 0461 277609

fax: +39 0461 277650 




"KIFO Centre for Church Research, Oslo Norway invites applications for
two-three full-time PhD scholarships within the research program "Religion
in the public sphere. A Comparative Study of the Five Nordic Countries"
(NOREL) for a period of three or four years, starting April 1, 2010. One
position will be located in Oslo, Norway. The other one-two positions will
be located either in Uppsala Sweden, Aarhus Denmark or Tampere Finland. It
is expected that the PhD students will finish a PhD within the scholarship
period. The scholarships follow local regulations of the host institution.

NOREL is a four year NORDCORP research project (2009-2013) funded by Joint
Committee for Nordic Research Councils for the Humanities and the Social
Sciences (NOS-HS). The program systematically compares religious changes
empirically in the five Nordic countries during 1988-2008. The findings will
be interpreted within social science theories. The language of the program
is English. Currently, fourteen senior researchers from all the five Nordic
countries are involved in the program. The PhD students will be part of this
highly qualified research group.

Within the NOREL program, the PhD students will conduct research within one
of the following three areas:

1.      Religion and the media
2.      The role of religion in civil society
3.      Religion and politics

The students will write a PhD dissertation based on an empirical study. The
study will be comparative, including data from all the five Nordic
countries. The study will provide the basis for reflections on sociological
or social science theory. The students will receive practical support from
the research group regarding data collection in the various Nordic

Selected applicants will be asked to submit a project outline which is
relevant to one of these three areas.

Enrollment as a PhD student at a relevant graduate school is a prerequisite
for being granted a PhD scholarship. The successful applicant must have a
relevant BA degree of 180 ECTS and have, prior to April 1 2010,
satisfactorily completed a relevant MA degree consisting of at least 120

Relevant academic fields are: sociology, media studies, religious studies,
theology, social sciences.

In assessing applications, we will focus on the candidates' ability to
present an original and interesting research project that can contribute
productively to the NOREL program within one of the three areas outlined
above. Applicants must also demonstrate their personal suitability for the
position. Emphasis will be placed on good teamwork skills.

The working language is English. A high level of oral and written
proficiency in English is required.

Appointment will be made by a committee consisting of researches involved in
the NOREL program and one or more external senior researchers.

It is a goal to achieve a balanced gender representation, and include
different age groups and ethnic minorities. Women and ethnic minorities are
particularly encouraged to apply.

Salaries for the PhD students will follow the regulations for PhD students
in the country where the student is enrolled. The holder of the scholarship
will be expected to carry out duties equivalent of 25% of the position for
administrative work, participation in research projects, and dissemination
of research for the host institution.

Selected applicants will be asked to submit a project outline which is
relevant to one of the areas of the NOREL program described above. The
outline must be maximum 8 pages and include a presentation and discussion of
research questions, theory, data and methods. The combination of empirical
study and theoretical reflection will be emphasized. The holder of the
scholarship will be expected to further develop and alter the project in
cooperation with the program director and the supervisor.
We highly recommend the applicants to learn about the NOREL program, its
goals, objectives and research outline. For more information about the
NOREL-program, please visit:

Please submit your application to:
KIFO, Postbox 45, Vindern
N-0353 Oslo

Please ensure that you include the following:
a cover letter, a current curriculum vitae, statement of the area of
interest within the NOREL program, a statement where you would like to be
enrolled, certified copies of diplomas, and the names, addresses and email
addresses of three references in 4 copies, and 3 copies of academic
publications and a list of publications.

The applicants are fully responsible for submitting complete documentation
in a sufficient number of copies.

The application must be submitted in English. Certified diplomas in the
Nordic languages are accepted.

Position start date: April 1 2010
Application deadline: January 15, 2010

Further information about the scholarships may be obtained by contacting
Inger Furseth, phone: +47 23 33 47 24 or email:   "


Nya utlysningar i EU:s program för Livslångt lärande

"EU funding
Call for proposals: Lifelong Learning Programme - 2010 call

Comenius, Grundtvig: In-service Training: first deadline: 15 January 2010 - further deadlines: 30 April 2010, 15 September 2010

Comenius Assistantships: 29 January 2010

Leonardo da Vinci: Mobility (including the Leonardo Da Vinci mobility certificate); Erasmus: Intensive Language Courses (EILC): 5 February 2010

Jean Monnet Programme: 12 February 2010

Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig: Partnerships; Comenius: Comenius Regio Partnerships; Grundtvig: Workshops: 19 February 2010

Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig: Multilateral projects, Networks and Accompanying Measures: 26 February 2010

Leonardo da Vinci: Transfer of Innovation multilateral Projects: 26 February 2010

Erasmus: Intensive Programmes (IP), Students mobility for studies and placements (including the Erasmus consortium placement certificate) and Staff mobility (teaching assignments and staff training): 12 March 2010

Grundtvig: Assistantships, Senior Volunteering Projects: 31 March 2010

Transversal Programme: 31 March 2010

Transversal Programme: Key activity 1 - Study visits: first deadline: 31 March 2010 - second deadline: 15 October 2010

Budget line / available budget

The total budget earmarked for this call is estimated at EUR 1 016 million. In addition an estimated total budget of EUR 1,9 million is earmarked for the participation of Croatia and of EUR 1,1 million is earmarked for the participation of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Objectives and supported actions in the field of ENAR's work "

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Make an Impact – ett EU-finansierat utvecklingsprojekt

Föräldrarna måste involveras i introduktionen av nyanlända elever

Information om svensk skola och om svensk barnuppfostran. Det efterlyser föräldrar till nyanlända elever på Ryaskolan. Föräldraintervjuerna ingår i Make an Impact, ett EU-projekt för att ta fram bättre metoder för samverkan med föräldrar i introduktionen av nyanlända elever.

- Ärligt talat känns det som att min makt som förälder försvann när jag kom till Sverige. Det sätt som vi uppfostrar våra barn på i mitt hemland fungerar inte här, i en ny kultur. Jag förstår mig inte på den svenska skolan och tycker den verkar väldigt svag ibland. För mig är skolan som en andra förälder till barnen. Därför behövs mycket mer samarbete mellan hemmet och skolan.
Det säger en av de intervjuade föräldrarna på Ryaskolan. Projektet, som får stöd av Europeiska integrationsfonden, är ett samarbete mellan Ryaskolan, Ryaskolans föräldraförening, Introduktionsenheten Hisingen och Resursenheten för introduktion av nyanlända barn, RIB. I projektets metod- och kompetensutveckling ingår även föreläsningar, workshops och studiebesök.

Föreläsning om framgångsrik dialogmodell

Den 21 oktober kommer mångfaldspedagogen Nabila Alfakir och berättar om sitt framgångsrika arbete i Rinkeby med dialogmodellen, en metod som ökar föräldrarnas engagemang och kunskap om barnets skolgång. Hon har arbetat i den svenska skolan i cirka 30 år och är själv, som flykting från Syrien, väl insatt i hur det är att komma som förälder till ett nytt land. I förordet till hennes bok ”Skapa dialog med föräldrarna – integration i praktiken” betonas att all erfarenhet och forskning visar att en av de allra viktigaste framgångsfaktorerna är föräldrarnas engagemang i barnens skolgång.

Tidigare i höst har Pirjo Lahdenperä delat med sig av sina kunskaper som professor i interkulturell pedagogik – en föreläsning som följdes upp med en workshop om föräldradelaktighet.

Dessutom har föräldrar, lärare och introduktionssekreterare besökt det holländska kunskapscentrat Pharos som tidigare samarbetat med RIB om mottagande av nyanlända elever i skolan. Syftet med besöket var bland annat att undersöka möjligheten att tillsammans utveckla en fortsättning på Make an Impact.

Projektledare Lise-Lotte Slim, tel 0730-60 28 29
Projektansvarig Åsa Callesen, tel 031-366 66 45


Ny utlysning av medel inom Flyktingfondens Community actions

Inom ramen för Flyktingfonden finns det nu möjlighet att söka medel från EU-kommissionen för s k gemenskapsinitiativ (community actions), dvs för projekt där flera medlemsstater samarbetar eller för utvecklingsarbete som är av intresse för hela EU. Sista ansökningsdagen är den 30 november 2009.

Merparten av Flyktingfondens pengar går till medlemsstaterna, men upp till tio procent kan användas till gemenskapsinitiativ. I denna omgång rör det sig om drygt 9 miljoner euro. Medfinansiering kan beviljas till utvecklingsarbete inom följande områden:

·         Genomförandet  av det gemensamma europeiska asylsystemet

·         Praktiskt samarbete mellan nationella asylmyndigheter

·         Ökade solidaritetsmekanismer mellan medlemsstaterna

·         Gemensamma insatser på vidarebosättningsområdet

·         Gemensamma åtgärder för personer med särskilda behov

·         Nya former av gemensamt samarbete, till exempel med fokus på tillgång till asylprocedurer, hantering av migrationsströmmar mm.

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