Ny hemsida med information om regler och policies för medborgarskap i EU:s medlemsstater


EUDO - European Union Democracy Observatory at the Robert Schuman
Centre for Advanced Studies
- lanserar en ny hemsida med information om regelverk, system och policies vad gäller medborgarskap i samtliga EU:s medlemsstater (samt sex andra europeiska länder).

Frågan om tydligare/skärpta regler och villkor för medborgarskap diskuteras livligt i många av medlemsstaterna. Krav på kunskaper i språk och samhällsorientering ställs allt oftare på invandrare som söker medborgarskap. Olika former av tester och samhällsorienterade insatser har utvecklats i bl a Nederländerna, Danmark, Tyskland, Frankrike och Storbritannien.  Även i Sverige har Folkpartiet tidigare föreslagit språktest som krav för medborgarskap. Regeringens förslag om obligatorisk samhällsorientering för nyanlända flyktingar/invandrare kan också ses som ett led i en ny integrationspolitik med ökade krav på medborgarkunskap (civic education).

Länk till hemsidan http://eudo-citizenship.eu.

Launch of an observatory on citizenship in Europe

EUDO, the European Union Democracy Observatory at the Robert Schuman
Centre for Advanced Studies launches today a new website on citizenship
in Europe.

EUDO CITIZENSHIP provides comprehensive analyses and data on citizenship
laws and policies in all EU member states and six neighbouring countries
at eudo-citizenship.eu.

In Europe, each country follows its own rules in determining who its
citizens are. However, the nationals of member states of the European
Union are also EU citizens who enjoy rights of free movement and
political participation throughout the Union. The EUDO CITIZENSHIP
observatory compares the ways in which citizenship can be acquired and
lost and documents policy trends such as the growing toleration of dual
citizenship, the introduction of naturalisation tests, or the number of
countries in which citizenship can be acquired through birth in the

The observatory features new expert reports on the history and current
regulation of citizenship in each country, searchable databases on
nationality laws and international legal norms, a comprehensive
bibliography, a forum for debates, a selection of news from the media
and other useful tools and information for policy makers, NGOs and
academics with an interest in citizenship policies.

The project is funded by the European Commission’s European Fund for the
Integration of Third Country Nationals. Preparatory research was carried
out within the IMISCOE network of excellence.

Christian Råbergh, christian.rabergh@temaasyl.se